Australian parliament renews effort to recognise Palestine

The Australian senators on Tuesday made a fresh effort in parliament to recognice the Palestinian state but failed as the Labor-led government opposed the motion.

The motion was moved in the Senate by lawmaker Mehreen Faruqi, deputy leader of the Australian Greens party.

It was the second attempt in as many months by Australian lawmakers to follow 145 nations that recognize Palestine as an independent state.

“Today, I moved a simple motion calling for a basic, fundamental act of justice, to recognize Palestine. I’m pleased that my friend Senator Payman had the courage & principle to support the motion and cross the floor. The rest of Labor failed this basic moral test,” Faruqi said on X.

Read: Armenia officially recognises the State of Palestine

The young senator from Western Australia Fatima Payman crossed the floor and supported the motion.

It is the first time a Labor politician has crossed the floor since 1986, to support any motion, while the party was in power.

According to the party rules, she could face action over the position taken against her party’s decision.

However, Payman stood by her decision and said she was not elected as a “token representative of diversity.”

“I was elected to serve the people of Western Australia and uphold the values instilled in me by my late father. Today I have made a decision that would make him proud and make everyone proud who is on the side of humanity,” she told reporters, following the parliament vote on Palestine.

Greens leader Adam Bandt accused the government of a “shameful act” in voting against Palestinian recognition.

“It’s cowardly… (Labor has) failed to do what over 140 other countries around the world have done, and that is recognize Palestine,” he said.

He also praised Senator Payman for her “bold decision” to support the motion in the parliament.

Last month, the Australian parliament’s House of Representatives also blocked a similar attempt by the Greens to recognize a Palestinian state with five votes in favor and 80 against.

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