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Generation Z’s Mindset, Values and Career Aspirations


In this special edition of WWD Voices, hosted by Arthur Zaczkiewicz, the spotlight turns to the much talked about Generation Z. This demographic, known for its significant market influence and unique consumer behavior, has businesses keen to connect in meaningful ways. Zaczkiewicz welcomed three young Gen Zers: Benjamin Francis, Taylor Kane and Nikki Salvestrini, who each shared insights into their lives, career aspirations and the values that shape their decisions.

Francis, a 20-year-old pianist residing in Tennessee, emphasized the professional focus necessary in the arts. For him, building a supportive community and network is crucial to advancing in the competitive music industry. His narrative wasn’t just about financial survival, but finding a creative and collaborative tribe that could propel his musical journey.

Kane, a 19-year-old English major and circulation assistant at a college library in Binghamton, shared a different perspective. Pursuing a career in librarianship, she values stability and emphasizes community within the workplace. Her experience highlights the balance young individuals seek between fulfilling careers and supportive work environments.

Salvestrini is an arts management major deeply involved in community-based projects. From painting murals to engaging with diverse groups across ages, Salvestrini reflects a trend among Gen Z toward careers that fulfill personal artistic ambitions and contribute positively to the community.

While Gen Z is not a monolith, it’s important for companies to understand what shapes this massive consumer force, one individual at a time.

To listen to the episode, CLICK HERE.

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