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North Korea marks Korean War ‘Victory Day’ with celebrations



North Korean leader Kim Jong Un declared that it is the sacred mission of the current generation to build a “paradise for the people” based on the ideology defended by previous generations who sacrificed their lives, as the country commemorated the Korean War anniversary on Saturday.

On Friday, Kim visited memorials honoring the veterans of the 1950-53 war, including the Tower of Friendship, which commemorates Chinese People’s Liberation Army soldiers who fought alongside North Koreans, according to KCNA state news agency.

North Korea signed an armistice agreement with the United States and China on July 27, 1953, ending the three-year conflict. US generals signed the agreement on behalf of the United Nations forces that supported South Korea.

“Comrade Kim Jong Un said it is the sacred mission and duty of our generation to protect the ideology and system defended by the previous generation of war victors with blood … and to build a paradise for the people,” KCNA reported.

Despite the armistice, which established a border dividing the Korean peninsula and restoring balance after significant advances by both sides during the war, North Korea refers to July 27 as “Victory Day.” South Korea does not commemorate the day with major events.

North Korea celebrated the day with various festivities, including banquets, a parade by the revolutionary youth vanguard, and a mass dance in Pyongyang’s main square, attended by patriots under celebratory fireworks, KCNA said.


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