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UN report highlights surge in attacks against Taliban rule in Afghanistan


The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) released a quarterly report on Friday, detailing a surge in attacks by armed groups opposing Taliban rule in the country. The report, which was submitted by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to the Security Council, also highlighted ongoing internal tensions among Afghan leaders.

The report notes that while the armed opposition has not significantly challenged the Taliban’s territorial control since their return to power in August 2021, two groups, the Afghanistan Freedom Front (AFF) and the National Resistance Front (NRF), have conducted verified attacks, primarily targeting Taliban security forces in Kabul.

According to the UN, the NRF carried out 29 confirmed attacks in the past three months, with 20 in Kabul and others in the northern provinces of Takhar, Baghlan, and Parwan. The AFF conducted 14 attacks, all in the national capital. These groups employed hit-and-run tactics, including grenade attacks and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

The report also documented an NRF-claimed attack on February 26, targeting the Taliban-run military zone of Kabul International Airport, firing three mortars without causing confirmed damage or casualties. NRF spokesman Ali Maisam Nazary disputed the UN assessment, claiming the NRF conducted over 160 successful operations this year, criticizing the UN for downplaying the security crises in Afghanistan.

The Taliban’s media crackdown has made verifying insurgent claims difficult, with no comment from their officials on the UN report. Instead, Taliban authorities continue to claim that they have restored peace and control over all 34 provinces with public support.

The UN report also documented six attacks by Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K), targeting the Taliban, including a suicide bombing in Kandahar on March 21, which killed at least 25 Taliban security forces and injured 45 others, alongside five Afghan civilians. Taliban officials confirmed only three fatalities.

The document also observed internal tensions within the Taliban over governance issues. However, Taliban officials dismissed these allegations as Western propaganda.

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